Morelli CuNiTi Thermo Copper Heat-Activated Archwire Rectangular 10pcs pack

SKU: MO-50-62-150

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Variant Variant total Quantity Price Variant total
014x025 Lower
014x025 Lower
$46.00/ea $0.00
014x025 Upper
014x025 Upper
$46.00/ea $0.00
016x022 Lower
016x022 Lower
$46.00/ea $0.00
016x022 Upper
016x022 Upper
$46.00/ea $0.00
017x025 Lower
017x025 Lower
$46.00/ea $0.00
017x025 Upper
017x025 Upper
$46.00/ea $0.00
018x025 Lower
018x025 Lower
$46.00/ea $0.00
018x025 Upper
018x025 Upper
$46.00/ea $0.00
019x025 Lower
019x025 Lower
$46.00/ea $0.00
019x025 Upper
019x025 Upper
$46.00/ea $0.00

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Copper Ni-Ti, a nickel-titanium alloy enriched with copper and chromium, provides a great orthodontic solution. In comparison to other Ni-Ti alloys, it distinguishes itself with precise control over transformation temperatures, increased resistance to permanent deformation, and minimal unloading force decline. This unique material has a higher transition temperature of 35°C, allowing the wire to exert lower relative forces while maintaining consistency. To relieve wire pressure, a simple solution is available: immerse it in cold water to lower its temperature. 


  • Middle or final stage of the orthodontic treatment with precise tooth arch shaping and positioning


  • Supply the ideal force needed to initiate the correction of complex malocclusions.
  • Display a steady force-to-deformation correlation, ensuring unmatched uniformity across various archwires.
  • Showcase consistent transformation temperatures that guarantee force consistency from one batch to another.

10pcs in each pack



Objective: Facilitates Orthodontic Alignment, Rotation, and Leveling

Applicability: Suitable for Upper and Lower Jaws

Arch Configuration: Rounded

Activation Threshold: 35°C

10 pcs

Activated by Heat, Memory Shape, Maintains Consistent Force, Exhibits High Durability

Country of Origin: Brazil

  • Copper NiTi Alloy
Package contents:
  • Pack of pre-shaped archwires
Units in a box:


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