DSI Syntoss Multi Synthetic Bone Graft TCP/HA Mix in Granules Alloplast

SKU: BG47799

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DSI Syntoss Multi Synthetic Bone Graft TCP/HA Mix in Granules Alloplast
DSI Syntoss Multi Synthetic Bone Graft TCP/HA Mix in Granules Alloplast
$57.00/ea $0.00

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DSI Syntoss Multi is a unique bone graft material with a special multi-shell granules that contributes to an improved bone repair process.

This is a synthetic bone graft material that is chemically created. The granules are made from radiopaque β-tricalcium phosphate (20%) / hydroxyapatite (80%) in a polylactide glycolide matrix. DSI Syntoss Multi bone graft material can be used in any bone defects and ridges and surgical bone manipulation procedures.

DSI Syntoss Multi is a very successful synthetic bone graft material that mimics and resembles human bone scaffolding. DSI Syntoss Multi graft is a calcium-based substance and it is particularly suited for any surgical bone grafting procedure thanks to its exceptional biocompatibility and osseointegration. DSI Syntoss Multi is designed in a special way with several coating levels in order to contribute an improved bone repair.

In addition, Hyaluronic acid is present in the DSI Syntoss Multi. Hyaluronic acid is safe to use, and it also provides a number of significant benefits that help protect and regenerate gums. It reduces gum bleeding, and helps fight off infections in the mucous membrane, and reduces swelling. 
DSI Syntoss has no risk of cross-contamination.


  • Great for periodontic defects filling
  • Ridge Augmentation
  • Intraosseous defects
  • Extraction sockets
  • Osseous defects
  • Furcation defects


  • No risk of cross-contamination
  • Exceptional biocompatibility and osseointegration
  • Radiopaque
  • Suited for any surgical bone grafting procedure
  • Completely Resorbable
  • Has no antigen-antibody reaction
  • Biologically active, hypoallergenic
  • Mimics the natural bone

How to use:

Syntoss granules can be applied dry or wet, but hydration in blood or sterile saline solution is recommended for easier handling and application due to their hydrophilic nature.

Only gentle compression is advised to allow for optimal revascularization and osseointegration of the bone grafting particles, and the granules should always be covered by a membrane to prevent soft tissue ingrowth into the bone defect.

Re-entry after ridge augmentation or sinus lift procedures with Syntoss graft should be performed 6 months post-operatively, but this time can be shortened for smaller defects or by mixing with autologous/allogenic bone to improve regeneration and formation of new bone.

REF: BG47799

Package: Sterile vial with particles inside a blister 1.0cc

  • Tricalcium Phosphate (TCP)
  • Hydroxyapatite (HA)
  • Periodontic defects
  • Ridge augmentation
  • Intraosseous defects
  • Extraction sockets
  • Furcation defects
  • Osseous defects
Package contents:
  • Sterile vial with granules inside a blister


Units in a box:


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