DSI Temp OTC First-Aid Emergency Temporary Crown & Bridge Cement 7g


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DSI Temp OTC First-Aid Emergency Temporary Crown & Bridge Cement 7g
DSI Temp OTC First-Aid Emergency Temporary Crown & Bridge Cement 7g
$19.90/ea $0.00

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  • Temporary fixation of crowns and bridges - Provides a quick and easy solution for temporarily fixing loose or detached dental crowns until a permanent solution can be applied
  • Emergency dental care - Ideal for emergency situations where immediate temporary dental repairs are needed, such as during weekends or holidays when dental offices may be closed
  • Pre-dental appointment preparation - Patients can use it to stabilize loose crowns or bridges while awaiting their scheduled dental appointment for a more permanent fix
  • Traveling - Handy for travelers experiencing dental issues while away from home, allowing them to manage temporary repairs until they can visit a dentist
  • Professional use - Can be used by dental professionals for temporary restorations or repairs during procedures, providing a reliable hold until permanent solutions are implemented
  • First Aid - A valuable addition to dental first aid kits for temporary management of dental emergencies until professional treatment can be sought

Features & Benefits:

  • Facilitates fast initial adhesion, with crowns and bridges securely fixed in place within 3-5 minutes of application
  • Sets completely within 15-20 minutes under intraoral conditions, ensuring a stable restoration
  • Continues to expand within the mouth until fully cured in approximately 3 hours, enhancing the tightness of the marginal seal
  • Provides reliable adhesion for temporary dental restorations, ensuring stability and durability
  • Effortlessly removable when required, facilitating temporary repairs without causing damage to the restoration or underlying tooth structure
  • Conveniently packaged in a pre-filled syringe for straightforward application, eliminating the need for mixing or additional tools
  • Designed for easy use by both dental professionals and patients, making it accessible for temporary dental repairs at home or in emergency situations
  • Suitable for temporary fixation of crowns and bridges, emergency dental care, pre-dental appointment preparation, travel emergencies, temporary dental work, and inclusion in dental first aid kits

Package Includes 1 pre-filled syringe 7g

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